The Center for Racial Justice in Education (CRJE) works to construct a new reality within our country's public school system; a world where all young people learn and thrive in equitable and affirming educational spaces. CRJE’s work with districts, schools, organizations, and community members result in empowered educators and leaders who are better equipped to build educational institutions that foster equitable outcomes, and ensure that all students have safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive spaces to learn.
Since 2012 alone CRJE has trained over 17,000 educators/leaders, reached over 167,000 youth, and worked with over 400 educational partners in 17 states. Our work consists of intensive leadership and professional development trainings, longer-term, in-depth coaching and consultation, community-driven climate assessments, and youth-adult partnerships, all customized to meet the unique needs of each educational partner. In the long-term, through collective practice for educational equity at the institutional level, and through mutually accountable partnerships and coalition building at the community level, we aim to build an education system and spaces where all youth feel safe, and have access to a high-quality education. In this system, we will see:
- Students who are emotionally, physically and academically thriving.
- Educators and leaders who have an ongoing, consistent practice of building educational communities grounded in equity.
- Caregivers who are empowered to actively engage in community building.
- Public policy that has shifted to reflect racial equity and justice in education.
Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis
Our children are facing a mental health crisis, your support can make a difference! Since the pandemic, 69% of public schools have reported an increase in the percentage of students seeking mental health services at school. **1 in 5 youth experience mental health challenges, yet lack of access to support leaves them struggling in silence.** This continues to have a devastating impact on their academic success, well-being, and future potential. Educators and mental health professionals within schools are on the frontlines, without the critical resources to provide the needed support. **Every child deserves to feel valued and supported in their learning environments, and all other places.** **WAYS YOUR** [SUPPORT](https:// **WILL HELP CRJE & SCHOOL DISTRICTS PARTNERS:** **Provide support for Educators and Mental Health Professionals on the Frontlines:** School professionals are often the first to recognize signs of distress in students, but limited resources and training can leave them feeling unequipped. **Create Youth-Adult Partnerships in Schools for Promoting Mental Health in Schools:** Address the youth mental health crisis by working directly with youth and the adults who serve them in schools. **Create Communities of Care for Black Male Youth**: Black students are 20% more likely than their peers to experience mental health problems, and suicide among Black male youth has risen 60% over the past two decades. Together, we can create inclusive and supportive school environments where students feel safe to express themselves and seek help when needed.
- Raised
- $700
- Goal
- $10,000