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Our World in Data

Communicating the best research and data to understand big global problems and make progress against them.

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Poverty, disease, hunger, climate change, war, existential risks, and inequality: The world faces many great and terrifying problems. Our World in Data focuses on communicating the best research and data that helps us understand and find solutions to the world’s largest problems.

Our World in Data publishes an open-access publication where users can understand the state of the world today, where we are making progress and where we are falling behind. Through interactive data visualizations we can see how the world has changed; by summarizing the scientific literature we can understand why. We cover everything from global poverty to natural disasters, education and health, democracy; we have over 3500 charts across 300 topics.

Our World in Data is free, open-source and provided as a public good. It has millions of users every month, and is cited in research and media across the world every day. This allows millions of people to understand the large problems the world is facing, and how we can solve them.

Oxford, Uk
Small organization


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Jason Crawford

    Simply the best, most accessible and reliable source for some of the most important data about our world

  • Andrew Zuckerman

    I’m glad that an organization like OWID exists, collecting so much data to help give us a better picture of the world we live in.

  • Michael Johnson

    Good data is a prerequisite for clear thinking and constructive change.

  • Greg Dingle

    Clean clear facts for everyone on the planet