The letter S from the Culture Scholar logo.

Culture Scholar Corporation 501(c)(3)

Culture Scholar Corporation enhances the lives of older adults through the therapeutic power of music, the arts and performances.

The banner is a logotype which spells Culture Scholar

We don’t currently support donations to this nonprofit. To request we add support email us.

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Mental Health
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Performing Arts
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Visual Art

About Culture Scholar Corporation's Music for Mental Health Initiative

The "Music for Mental Health" initiative is designed to bring the profound benefits of music to seniors in retirement and assisted living communities. Music is a powerful tool for enhancing mental health, cognitive function, and overall well-being.
Our program offers a variety of musical experiences tailored to the needs and interests of elderly residents, aiming to create a vibrant and supportive environment where music can flourish.

Since 2001 Culture Scholar has been the brainchild of Benjamin Barnes.
In addition to being the Director and CEO of Culture Scholar Corporation 501(c)(3),
Ben is an instructor and performer who creates and teaches the Culture Scholar Music for Mental Health classes and concerts.

Culture Scholar Corporation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Thank You for Your Support!

San Francisco, CA
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 93-2212212



  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Benjamin Barnes

    I gave a donation to pay a grantwriter to write a proposal for operating funds.

  • Alyson Khalili
  • Esther Roberts