Chambord has aroused admiration and fascination to the world for over 500 years. Placed on France’s first list of historical monuments in 1840, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981, it is one of the most breathtaking construction of the Renaissance. Far from being a residential palace or a hunting lodge, Chambord embodies the values of humanism, inventiveness and human genius.
Preserving this heritage means constantly questioning how it can be made accessible to the widest possible audience. With this objective in mind, each year new developments and innovative projects are presented to visitors, a rich program of events punctuates the life of the estate, and ecological actions are implemented. The estate is also developing a strategy to diversify its own resources, notably by reviving its vocation as a food-producing farm.
Chambord’s projects are structured around four development priorities: Chambord cultural and artistic, Chambord educational and social, Chambord sustainable and agricultural, and Chambord innovative. To support us in this approach, we are looking for partners who share our values and wish to promote them.
JOINT RESTORATION PROJECT - SAINT HUBERT'S BASILICA AND CHAMBORD'S ROYAL ESTATE WALLS - 2024 CAMPAIGN Based on common backgrounds and shared goals, these two historic monuments, the Basilica of Saint Hubert in Belgium and the Domaine national de Chambord in the French Loire Valley are joining forces for the restoration of their exceptional heritage: Saint Hubert as the hunters' spiritual cathedral and Chambord as the most grand Royal hunting estate. Saint Hubert's Basilica The Basilica was built in 1525 within the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Hubertus to host the relics of the 8 th century Bishop who became the patron saint of hunting and huntsmen, archers, trappers, dogs and forest workers. The present facade of the Basilica dates from 1700 and was built in a classical style, with Baroque details. The city of Saint-Hubert is located at the center of an eponymous, lush forest of over 247,000 acres where Saint Hubert is said to have seen the stag and his vision of a cross. Restoration of the Basilica The magnificent Basilica, from the slate roof and stone ceilings to the exterior walls, is in dire need of repairs to preserve the 500 year-old monument and ensure the safety of visitors. It is the property of the village of Saint-Hubert, a community of only 5,300 inhabitants, and it needs your help. Budget: $36M Chambord's Royal Estate Walls Built from 1519 by Francis I st , one of the most famous Kings of France, Chambord is an exceptional work of art. Since 1981, the monument has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Known throughout the world as the emblem of the French Renaissance, the castle is tightly associated with its large-scale estate. Covering 13,442 acres and enclosed by 20 miles of wall, the Domaine national de Chambord is the largest walled park in Europe. Restoration of the Surrounding Wall The construction of the wall began in 1542, completed in 1660 and averages 12 feet tall. Over time, several portions of the wall have collapsed, risking the enclosed ecosystem of the game park from which no big game could get in or out. To date, 6 miles have been restored, but 11 miles still need to be rebuilt using ancient construction techniques. The wall project also benefits the local community: Chambord takes on unemployed jobseekers and provides them masonry training and development so that they become skilled workers. Chambord is a non-profit estate and needs your help to protect the 500 year-old game park and its wall. Budget: $22M Since KBFUS is a public charity, within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions to the protection of Saint Hubertus Basilica and Chambord walls. Alternative ways to give: For gifts by check: Write your check to KBFUS, write " American friends of Chambord / St. Hubert's Basilica & Chambord " in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176. Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email KBFUS at: or phone (212) 713 7660.
- Raised
- $5,950
- Goal
- $1,500,000
Adopt a Vine in Francis I'st Vineyard
A worldwide symbol of the French Renaissance, the château of Chambord occupies a 5,440-hectare estate overlooking a vineyard introduced by order of the King in 1518-1519. Comprised of Burgundy varietals chosen by the King himself, this vineyard is truly exceptional and its resurgence is not without historical significance. Through Chambord's Adopt a Vine campaign, three different varietals will be planted on an area covering 12 hectares within the estate including 8 hectares of Romorantin, introduced to the Val de Loire at the order of Francis I, 4 hectares of Pinot Noir and 2,000m2 of Gamay. For $1,300, you can adopt a vine in Chambord's legendary vineyards. With this generous gift: - You have the opportunity to name a Romorantin vine for life. - You will receive a 'Chambord Vine Sponsor' certificate. - You will receive an annual newsletter keeping you updated on the progress of the vineyard. Thus far, 7 hectares of Romorantin have been planted and the Pinot Noir and Gamay plots have been completed. During 2017, we expect to complete the remaining hectare of the vineyard in anticipation for the first grape harvest in 2019. This celebration will mark the 500 th anniversary of the onset of the construction of Chambord and is expected to yield 50,000 to 60,000 bottles of wine. Your donation will help us preserve, develop and enhance this marvel of the French Renaissance. Alternative ways to give: For gifts by check: Write your check to KBFUS, write " American friends of Chambord / Vine in Francis I's Vineyard " in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176. Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email KBFUS at: or phone (212) 713 7660.