Plastic can be found in every corner of the globe. Plastics contaminate the environment, entangle countless marine and land animals, and are inextricably linked to the climate crisis, as plastics production is driving massive increases in fossil fuel infrastructure. Plastics even accumulate in our bodies, risking our very health. Unfortunately, even with the number of alarming studies and reports over the past few years on this issue, there continues to be an increase in plastic production. With direct links between the plastic crisis and the climate crisis, addressing plastic pollution globally must be a major environmental priority. 5 Gyres continues to lead with scientific research to drive upstream solutions through education, advocacy, and community building.
5 Gyres drives innovative solutions to plastic pollution by leveraging the power of:
- Science: Conduct scientific research to answer key questions about plastics’ impact and accelerate science-based solutions
- Advocacy: Advance and advocate for high-impact policies that will reduce the harm of plastic pollution
- Community: Educate, engage, and empower individuals and communities to take action and drive change
Alexandra H 1Plastic pollution is a serious issue and 5 Gyres is working hard to solve it.