On the surface our contribution seems simple: in a typical year, our volunteer-staffed camps give over 6,000 children with autism and their families a fun, engaging day at the beach. But go deeper, and you’ll see that a quiet revolution is taking place. Through the simple act of riding waves together, we’re defying the status quo. When we help kids get on a board, we’re challenging preconceived notions of capability. When we encourage participants to dive in, we’re empowering them to engage with the world. And, when we ride the waves together, we’re affirming that every person is a gift.
Though we serve thousands, our mission exists because of one child. Israel and Danielle Paskowitz founded Surfers Healing because of their son, Isaiah. Isaiah has autism, and when he struggled with meltdowns and sensory overload, riding the waves with his father calmed him like nothing else. Not everyone has a champion surfer for a dad like Isaiah does, so the Paskowitz family invited others to join them at the beach. Their idea caught on, and now Surfers Healing is a nationwide (international), grassroots non-profit organization. We’re the original surf camp for children with autism, and we offer all our events free of charge.
Even though we typically have over 6,000 participants attend our surf camps annually – we don’t think in thousands. We think in ones, because that’s where we can effect change. One child. One family. One perfect day at the beach. Since 1996 we've been taking kids out on the water, we’re still amazed by the transformative power of the experience. Many children with autism struggle with sensory overload; in other words, simple sensations can overwhelm them. The weightlessness and rhythms of the ocean offer a therapeutic experience, a respite from the constant assault of their senses.
Surfers Healing is the original surf camp for children with autism, and we’ve been serving the community since 1996. What we offer isn’t a “cure”, or even “traditional” therapy. It’s a completely different sensation and environment for our participants. We give individuals a chance to encounter the waves, to challenge themselves, to try something new! And, since approximately 1 in every 36 children is diagnosed with ASD (Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder | CDC), our work is more vital than ever.
Our biggest challenge? Getting kids to come out of the water! Once they ride with us, they don’t want to stop. Attending our camps positively impacts children with autism; the experience helps instill confidence and clam. Yet, over the years we’ve seen that Surfers Healing also has a profound impact on the parents. Autism parents are always hearing about what their children cannot do. But, at a Surfers Healing camp, it’s all about what their kids can do. In the words of one volunteer, “For parents to see their kid up on a surfboard… sometimes, it’s nothing less than a miracle.”