Connected Women Foundation

The Connected Women Foundation mission is to reverse the trend that has long seen women underrepresented in the STEM fields.

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Connected Women Foundation (CWF) is a call for diversity in thought, perspective, and creativity in the innovation sector. CWF wants to engage collectively in reversing the trend that has long seen women underrepresented and under appreciated in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

How is it still possible to overlook the potential of 50% of humanity? This is not merely a question of fairness; it's a fundamental issue of equal opportunity.

Realizing that society is at a pivotal moment where the choices made can profoundly influence the direction of technological advancement and societal progress, Connected Women Foundation will implement ambitious programs to drastically increase the visibility of women in the innovation sector, thus improving their employability. Concurrently, targeted grants aim to address both the root of the issue (supporting women’s education and training in the sector) and the tip of the iceberg (visibility and access to key industry events).

Presence and influence on the ground:

The Foundation will make its presence felt at the 10 most important tech events worldwide, creating a global network of women leaders in the sector capable of sharing their experiences and leading by example with humility.

These events will include and are not limited to : CES Vegas, LEAP RIYADH, SXSW Austin, GITEX Marrakech, VIVATECH, GITEX Dubai, CHINA ASEO, MIAMI Tech, TECHFEST Vietnam, CECC Beijing, which gather more than 1, 7 million people per year, of which close 5% only are women.

Using sector expertise and networks, CWF will enable and send women leaders to speak and host at these global innovation events. In addition, CWF will be present on the ground and spreading its mission through a core group of Women Ambassador who will be representing the nonprofit all over the world.

Increasing women's attendance rates in engineering schools (and other training programs):

Women are highly underrepresented in STEM degrees. CWF will be offering grants in Europe and later on in the Global South to women eager to pursue engineering studies (and other trainings), in partnership with NGOs working with families and high school girls. The grants should cover full tuition for the totality of the degree’s duration.

Systemic improvement in access to opportunity:

CWF will also cover the full charges of attendance to the afore-mentioned global tech events, for 10 women and girls each year, who desire to experience and benefit from the instruction and network available at these tech events.

CWF’s goal in this endeavor is to break down some of the barriers faced by women wishing to embark in tech.

Financial aid and grants will be awarded by a selection committee composed of experts, leaders and innovative thinkers. Criteria will be defined in advance to avoid any preferential status (a conflict of interest policy will be signed by all members of the selection committee).

With time CWF wishes to expand its reach, in number and in scope.

This work is and will continue to be made possible by CWF’s expert women ambassadors, who work on, represent and empower the foundation’s mission.

The definition of a woman for Connected Women Foundation is of someone who identifies as a woman.


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