ARAHA: American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa logo

ARAHA: American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa

ARAHA strives to alleviate human suffering and build self-reliant communities by providing aid in the Horn of Africa


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Food Security

ARAHA is a humanitarian non-governmental organization (NGO) that works in the Horn of Africa region delivering essentials and developing opportunities.
We have 8 core programs; disaster relief and emergency response to famine and drought, education, including scholarships and vocational training programs, sustainable energy, food relief, including school lunch programs and container shipments of manna rice packs, self-reliance programs built for sustainability, boreholes to bring essential water to remote communities, health programs to combat disease and bring medical care to refugee and IDP camps, and our orphan program that supports children that have lost their caregivers.
Our diverse range of programs bring to life our mission and our field team in each country adapts to the specific needs of each community in which it works.
Our organization aims to bring immediate relief to those in need throughout the Horn, while at the same time seeking to create the conditions for sustainable opportunity and self-reliance. In all programs ARAHA pursues, it seeks to responsibly enact its mission and build a stable, sustainable, thriving Horn of Africa.

In the last year, ARAHA has served over 100,000 beneficiaries. We built 71 water wells in communities so thousands of people have access to fresh water. Our individual donors sponsor 356 orphans and our organization covers 1300, for a total of 1,646 vulnerable children that are being cared for. We run a school lunch program for 8 schools with over 1,500 students total. We also maintain the Shagarab refugee camp high school, the only school in the camp, where we provide salaries for teachers and scholarships for students. We distributed meat to 14,600 people in need last year. We are currently combating drought and famine in the Horn by providing monthly food baskets to families. We have already supplied these baskets to over 800 families. We have run several successful vocational training programs, specifically for solar energy and veterinary technology. This training provides opportunities for many students who could not afford education. We also built sustainable homes for 11 families in Sudan.

We could not have accomplished any of these programs without the generosity of our incredible supporters. Donors like you are what make our work possible and we are so grateful for your support and interest in our work.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or ideas at

Minneapolis, MN
Mid-sized organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 41-1989714


  • Jill Tullemans