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Sentient is a nonprofit news organization creating transparency around factory farms and their effect on the world around us.

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Independent Journalism Relies on You

Sentient is a non-profit reader-supported news outlet that’s unswayed by advertisers and profit margins. Your support funds investigative journalism, fact-checked explainers, resources for reporters and partnerships with publishers to boost informed reporting on the realities of our food system. Donate today to help keep Sentient’s site and newsletters free.

In 2024, for every $1.50 you give, a generous match donor will donate $1.

We publish the stories that are too often ignored: how our food system relates to racial and economic inequalities, public health and our environment. Our articles are rigorous and research-driven, centering more humane and ecologically sound solutions. In a world where the impact of industrial agriculture is often little more than a footnote, our journalism seeks to address the impact of the elephant in the room – factually.

Our articles have real impact: In 2023 alone, we reached 130 million readers; we were republished over 300 times in a variety of outlets and our content now appears in the top results of Google for over 15,000 search terms. When people ask questions like, “Why is eating meat bad for the environment,” or “How does agriculture affect deforestation?” a Sentient story is the first result.

We partner with international, national and local media outlets to reach diverse audiences around the world. We’ve trained hundreds of established and aspiring writers globally to report on climate and agriculture more effectively through our Food & Farming Media Network. We aim to serve those who have been historically marginalized by mainstream media through our team of writers and our Editorial Fellowship.

San Francisco, CA
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 83-0804345
