MEMPROW - Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women logo

MEMPROW - Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women

We build the capacities of girls' and young women’s agency and a feminist movement for an inclusive and violence-free society.

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Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women (MEMPROW) is a Non-governmental organization that was established in 2008 by a renowned feminist to create space for building the capacity of young women to have voice, choice, and agency.

MEMPROW’s overarching goal is to transform patriarchal norms and mindsets and establish environments based on social justice to claim their rights and achieve their aspirations, free from the threat of violence.

MEMPROW’s mission is to build girls and young women’s agency and a feminist movement for an inclusive and violent-free society.
A dynamic feminist-driven organization on the frontline of powering societal transformation

Empowering adolescent girls and young women:
Choice. Voice and Power

Equality and Non-discrimination
Solidarity and Networking
Diversity and Inclusion
Accountability and integrity


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