
Let's make the desert green!

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Lignaverda (before Entrepreneurs Without Frontiers) restores life and prosperity to regions affected by desertification. Nature can no longer cope on its own here. That's why Liganverda has been working on reforestation with positive impacts for both people and climate, since 10 years ago. We make agreements with the local population, and then we can get started. We cut open the ground with a specialized plow, creating half moons in the earth crust. Next, we pay a team of local women to sow seeds in them, just before the rainy season. The half moons serve as water reservoir for the young trees, grasses and herbs. We have successfully developed a sustainable reforestation project in Burkina Faso from 2007 to 2017. This project is now continued by a local organisation, as we are starting up in our next country: Senegal.


  • Qcify - Raf Peeters