Iconic Houses provides a worldwide platform for architecturally significant modern houses and artists' homes and studios from the 20th century that are open to the public, by sharing best practices about the conservation, policy, programming and management of house museums and significant private houses. Member sites include Antoni Gaudí's La Pedrera (Spain), Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye (France), and Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater (USA), among almost 200 other masterpieces and hidden gems around the world. At this time over 50 of the world's most iconic modern houses, especially those from the second half of 20th century, are threatened due a lack of legal protection, deferred maintenance or other issues associated with development pressures. We need to act now, or risk losing them forever. What can be done to save them? Icons at Risk sets out to answer that question. "Icons at Risk" is an international initiative by the Iconic Houses network to preserve the world's most endangered modern houses of unique architectural importance. We will achieve this by raising public awareness, advocacy, and supporting homeowners to take action themselves through a "Toolkit for Owners of Modern Homes". We thank you in advance for your support!