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Education Reimagined

Education Reimagined is a nonprofit organization focused on education transformation and based in Washington, DC.

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Education Reimagined is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming education such that it is learner-centered. By learner-centered we mean a system that better meet the needs of learners, families, communities and our evolving society.

Education Reimagined is catalyzing the invention of learner-centered ecosystems of learning in diverse communities across the country. By partnering with educators and other learner-centered leaders, Education Reimagined envisions a future where schools and learning environments are adaptive, empowering every learner to thrive. Through strategic partnerships, convenings, field building, storytelling and most recently ecosystem piloting, the organization highlights the effectiveness of learner-centered approaches in solving challenges in the education landscape. communities.

Education Reimagined's goal is to make learner-centered education accessible to all children in the U.S., by spreading this vision and catalyzing new, community-based ecosystems of learning.

Washington, DC
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 83-1086088



  • Jemar Lee
  • Sujata Bhatt
  • John Jacob
  • Peter McWalters