The Bollandist Society is a Jesuit research institute dedicated to the critical study of Greek, Latin, Oriental and vernacular hagiographic literature as well as to the history of the saints and their cults. Founded in the early 17th century this is one of the oldest scientific societies in the world. Our research, study, safeguard and promotion of this unique heritage is possible thanks to our specialized library of 500.000 volumes, that has become an indispensable point of reference in the study of critical hagiography world-wide.
All gifts to the Société des Bollandistes are fully tax deductible when made through the King Baudouin Foundation US.
Joseph Starshak of the significance of the collection and the research.
Alietia Caughron Michael Minieka Claire Luisi William North Gordon Whatley Alietia Caughron Michael Minieka Patrick Geary Ms Barbara Paul