Help us in providing early intervention programs and projects to children who are deaf and deafblind.
Assistance Center for Deaf and Deafblind Children, or CABBS, offers early intervention programs to deaf and deafblind children between the ages of 0 to 6. All activities are carried out in the CABSS Multisensory Laboratory, an environment that is responsive to the needs of deaf and deafblind children. The laboratory is equipped with multisensory materials and communication tools. The early intervention programs for deaf and deafblind children include: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory stimulation; proprioceptive and vestibular stimulation; working on fine and gross motor skills; techniques that maximize the cognitive potential of each child; activities that favor the understanding of self, others and the environment; activities that promote the affective-emotional and relational skills in children. A huge emphasis is placed on communication and linguistic development.
CABSS also:
- Provides support to parents in raising their children
- Promotes inclusion through the implementation of bilingual (Italian Sign Language and Italian) and psycho-educational projects, at school
- Creates apps based on the latest research on visual learning and bilingualism (Sign Language and Written Language) that respects the rights of children to have accessible educational materials
Mary Lou Schillinger In Memory of Roberto Wirth from Mary Lou Schillinger