Wolf Haven International

Wolf Haven International

Wolf Haven International's mission is to conserve and protect wolves and their habitat. Learn more at wolfhaven.org.

Wolf Haven International

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Wolf Haven International is a nationally recognized sanctuary for captive-born, displaced wolves. Our mission is to conserve and protect wolves and their habitat. Toward that end, in addition to rescue and sanctuary, Wolf Haven offers a variety of educational presentations focused on wolves and conservation-related themes. Wolf Haven promotes wolf restoration in historical ranges and teaches the value of all wildlife. Since 1982, Wolf Haven has rescued 300 captive-born wolves and provided them with compassionate care, companionship with fellow wolves, and a safe lifetime home. There are typically 60+ animals in residence at our Tenino, Washington sanctuary and 30 wolves living at our Bridger, Montana sanctuary. Learn more at wolfhaven.org.
Tenino, WA
Mid-sized organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 91-1185727

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