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ROLDA is a 501-c-3 organization, operating in Romania to solve the stray dog population, which is estimated to be 2.5 million.

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ROLDA has a strict no-kill policy. Our key focuses are rescue, rehabilitation, rehoming, spay/neuter, social programs, and education.
With the support offered by compassionate US animal lovers, ROLDA can:
● Run 2 private dog shelters which comply with EU regulation
● Provide free spay/neuter campaign in 3 counties across Romania
● Rehome dogs in some European countries and the US where we have reliable partners
● Campaign against illegal (public) shelters
● Educate community members to be responsible pet owners
● Campaign against animal abuse

Crofton, MD
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 32-0176929

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