Rea Of Hope Fellowship Home Inc logo

Rea Of Hope Fellowship Home Inc

The mission of Rea of Hope is to help West Virginia women suffering from alcohol and/or drug addiction.

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Rea of Hope is about sustained abstinence based recovery and the reunification of families.
Rea of Hope provides a model of care that teaches women how to "LIVE" without drugs and alcohol and puts them on a path to sustained recovery
Rea of Hope provides safe affordable housing, case management, life skills and referrals for counseling and health care
Rea of Hope has celebrated over 236 graduates from 44 counties in West Virginia
380 children have gotten their mommies back, hundreds of parents and step parents have gotten their daughters back and countless family members and friends have been impacted by the ripple effect of recovery
Rea of hope has 6 locations in Charleston's Historic East End

Charleston, WV
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 55-0784408

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