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Metro Praise International

We are a contemporary and biblical expression of the Pentecostal movement that desires to make disciples who make disciples!

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Metro Praise International (MPI) launched in Chicago Illinois October 2012 under the leadership of Joe and Nancy Wyrostek with a core group of committed disciples at 5405 W. Diversey Avenue. MPI was established to fulfill the Great Command of Jesus to, “Love God and Love People.” Our purpose is to obey Jesus’ Great Commission by connecting the lost to Jesus, mentoring believers with the message of Jesus, and sending out trained disciples with Jesus’ words to change the world! Our Great Goal is to make 100,000 disciples and eventually plant a total of 50 churches within Chicagoland and to start 500 churches around the world. With great joy and excitement we humbly ask you to consider joining with us to help fulfill Jesus’ great commission to make disciples of the nations!
Chicago, IL

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