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Generation Pledge Inc

A growing community of inheritors committed to doing the most good.

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Generation Pledgers work collectively to reduce suffering, increase flourishing and reduce environmental, social and existential risks.

To join Generation Pledge, inheritors must commit to:

  1. Donate at least 10% of their inheritance to effective causes within the first 5 years of inheriting
  2. Mobilise their financial, social, career, and political capital to generate the greatest impact, before and after inheriting

We connect pledgers with peers and vetted organisations, thinkers and doers who can amplify their impact.
We introduce pledgers to world-class ideas and research to help them do the most good with their unique resources.
We help pledgers stick to their intentions and provide them with the tools to track and improve their lifelong impact.

New York, NY
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-2787951

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