Detroit Vacant Land Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that specializes in the preservation, beautification of neglected vacant land in the City of Detroit. We currently work with landscape designers, artists, environmentalists, technologists, and residents of Detroit to create sustainable solutions.
We began to formulate the idea for Detroit Vacant Land Conservancy by imagining a nonprofit organization that could provide a major solution to the abundance of neglected vacant land by beautifying our community, and developing green space that met our growing environmental and social challenges.
Thanks to your generosity, we’ll continue to address our communities challenges through beautification and creative land reuse of vacant and neglected open spaces through a variety of land based projects and land activations, including:
Heidelberg Street Legacy Garden - A land transformation community urban garden project and sculpture park featuring community garden, rain garden, and flower garden installation.
Detroit Landscape Design Festival - Detroit's first festival dedicated to landscape design to encourage creative land reuse ideas.
Detroit Vacant Land Conservancy Fund - A dedicated community land fund designed to support the land based initiatives of other local organizations and individuals seeking to acquire land in Detroit.
We are currently embarking on the first phase of our latest project. The beautification of 9 vacant lots in the McDougall-Hunt neighborhood of Detroit.
The lots are located in the Heidelberg Arts District, a block-long arts environment started over 35 years ago by artist Tyree Guyton, founder of the internationally renowned Heidelberg Project.
We are excited to share that we just received a $10,000 Knight Arts Challenge grant to advance our work.
We now have a unique opportunity to develop a unique and creative land re-use project for the stabilization and revitalization of the vacant land and surrounding alleyways previously neglected and abandoned for over 10 years.
Our vision is to create a beautiful greenspace for the community which includes various beautification and sustainability strategies ranging from a sculpture park, flower based rain garden, and community garden.
We are seeking $50,000 for the beautification of the 9 adjacent parcels currently owned by Detroit Landbank Authority, and to acquire the equipment and supplies required for the development of green space.
Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to Detroit Vacant Land Conservancy and help us achieve our $50,000 goal by January 31, 2022.
Donations can be made via:
Cashapp: @detroitvacantland
Learn more about the organization at:
Please include Detroit Vacant Land and Community Development Corporation in your giving this season. We rely on the financial support of people like you to expand our work in Detroit.
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