The International Nepal Fellowship (Australia) Ltd logo

The International Nepal Fellowship (Australia) Ltd

A fellowship serving physical and spiritual needs of Nepal's poorest communities.

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INF is a Christian organization whose mission is to serve Nepal’s poor through life-changing health and development work that is shaped by Christian identity and values. The INF community development team empowers poor communities to envision a better future and to work together to tackle the roots and symptoms of poverty. Working through women’s self-help groups, INF empowers women in remote communities, helping them to recognize their strengths and take control of development in their communities. Outcomes include greater acceptance and access to rights for women and people with disabilities. It also includes improved mother and child health, strengthened institutions for health and education, improved access to clean toilets, water, and nutritious food, and trained skills and savings that enable small business creation. INF also has a dedicated disaster response and resilience team that aims to help communities become more resilient and prepared for disasters and to respond quickly and effectively.

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