Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL Africa) logo

Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL Africa)

Supports governments across Africa to adapt and scale up an evidence-based approach to improving students’ foundational skills.


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TaRL Africa is a program of MIT's Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL).

To make a gift please go directly to: https://giving.mit.edu/form?fundId=3965156

Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) is an evidence-backed educational approach that helps children develop basic reading and mathematics skills, opening doors to a brighter future. Pioneered by Indian NGO Pratham to target the root of the learning crisis by transforming the structures that lead to it, TaRL works by dividing children (generally in Grades 3 to 5) into groups based on learning needs rather than age or grade; dedicating time to basic skills rather than focusing solely on the curriculum; and regularly assessing student performance, rather than relying only on end-of-year examinations.
Since 2001, J-PAL-affiliated researchers have rigorously tested the theory of change underlying Pratham’s TaRL approach through 6 randomised evaluations in India, as well as a growing body of research in Africa, finding that when TaRL is successfully implemented, learning outcomes improve.

Since 2019 J-PAL, J-PAL Africa, and Pratham have partnered on a long-term effort to bring TaRL to scale in Africa through a new organization, TaRL Africa, working across the continent with particular focus on programs in Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, and Zambia.

Donations support teacher training efforts, re-granting to partner organizations in Africa, and continuing assessment of adaptations of TaRL practices and materials to local contexts.

J-PAL is a research and policy center in the Economics department at MIT, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. J-PAL currently hosts grants and gift funds for TaRL Africa, prior to a planned spin-off into an independent NGO slated for 2022/2023.


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