Ukrainian and English text that reads Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online and depicts drawings of Ukrainian landmarks.

Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online

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Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO) is a global grassroots initiative supporting the digital preservation of Ukrainian cultural heritage. So far we have saved more than 50TB of scanned documents, artworks and many other digital materials from 5,000+ websites of Ukrainian museums, libraries and archives. We are now coordinating aid shipments of digitization hardware, such as scanners, cameras and computers to Ukraine.

Your donation will help us continue to support our digital preservation efforts and to buy the equipment needed to preserve Ukraine's cultural memory.

Alternative ways to give:

For gifts by check: Write your check to Myriad USA, write "SUCHO US Donation Fund" in the memo section of the check, and send it to Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176.

Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email Myriad USA at: or phone (212) 713 7660.

Additional details on ways to give can be found at:

We host 300+ social impact projects across Europe


  • Emma Clarkson

    In memory of Dr. Irene Rogutsky

  • Alex Esparza
  • Mitchell Silverman

    As a lawyer, a librarian, and someone committed to freedom, I understand that preserving Ukraine's cultural heritage is essential.

  • Kathy Koltas

    I am a Children's Librarian in the US with no ties to Ukraine, but I value what SUCHO is trying to do and am praying for peace in your country every day. Thank you for preserving culture.

  • Jeremi Bigosinski

    Because Culture matters. It defines us as Human Beings. And it matters even more when it is systematically being destroyed.

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