New School-West Foundation

The NSW Foundation provides friends the opportunity to make tax-deductible donations to support The New School - West.

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NSW staff at our annual planning retreat in January 2024.

Support The New School-West Foundation

Thank you for visiting our giving page. The NSW Foundation provides friends the opportunity to make tax-deductible donations to support The New School - West.

  • Professional Development -- Part of our Reggio inspired philosophy is to provide opportunities that strengthen meaningful connections that keep us growing and learning in relationships. Contributions also enable the NSW staff to participate in conferences, workshops, and seminars, continuing ongoing education beyond ECE courses, and being part of an involved community that understands and values children as vibrant members.
  • Family Resources -- Gifts to the NSW Foundation allow us to assist our families in times of need with tuition assistance and necessary outside services including speech and occupational therapy.
  • Other Special Projects -- Contributions also go to support special projects, school priorities and community-wide dreams. These vary from year to year as children and parents dream with us!

Your contribution of any amount enables us to continue to inspire the growth of our New School - West teachers and children. Thank you in advance for your support of our mission.

The New School - West has been serving, learning from, connecting with and proud to be part of the community since 1987. CLICK HERE for a short video from our 30th anniversary that provides a glimpse into who we are (password to view video is nsw). Thank you again for your support.


  • Martin Ferenczi