Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana logo

Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana

Focused on food, agriculture, and nutrition. It is based in New Orleans, LA. It received its nonprofit status in 1984.

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Second Harvest Food Bank leads the fight against hunger in South Louisiana by providing food access, advocacy, education, and disaster response. Second Harvest provides food and support to 700+ community partners and programs across 23 parishes. Our staff and volunteers distribute the equivalent of more than 32 million meals to 210,000+ people a year.

Through our food distribution programs, community kitchen meal service, nutrition education, and public benefits assistance, we are helping to create pathways out of poverty. Every year, Second Harvest secures millions of pounds of food that otherwise would have gone to waste. Our work helps ensure that these meals make it to the dinner tables of thousands of families struggling with hunger in South Louisiana.

New Orleans, LA
Large organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 72-0956468

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