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Adam and Theresa Ratajczak

Adam and Theresa's Wedding Fundraiser

Instead of gifts, we prefer you donate to one of our favorite charities.

GiveDirectly locates recipients living in poverty and uses mobile money to send them cash, no strings attached. Research shows that giving cash to people living in poverty can help drive a range of important changes in their lives, such as employment, nutrition, health, and education. In addition, direct cash transfers allow individuals to invest in what they need instead of relying on aid organizations and donors from abroad to choose for them.

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Adam and Theresa's Wedding Fundraiser

Instead of gifts, we prefer you donate to one of our favorite charities.

GiveDirectly locates recipients living in poverty and uses mobile money to send them cash, no strings attached. Research shows that giving cash to people living in poverty can help drive a range of important changes in their lives, such as employment, nutrition, health, and education. In addition, direct cash transfers allow individuals to invest in what they need instead of relying on aid organizations and donors from abroad to choose for them.

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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 27-1661997

Delivering unconditional cash directly to the world's poorest households via secure mobile transfers.

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1 supporter
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 27-1661997

Delivering unconditional cash directly to the world's poorest households via secure mobile transfers.

Large organization
1 supporter