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Finally Home

Finally Home serves Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship families with free family strengthening education and resources for the family.


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Finally Home has been providing Family Strengthening Education and resources to foster, adoptive, and kinship families since 2008. Our research based curriculum includes interactive modules focused on three main groups: adults, teens and children age 0-12. All of our programs offer trauma-informed mental health training, support and hands-on resources to families in need. Our research based curriculum is co-branded with Family Wellness and focuses on teaching families practical skills and tools that will strengthen and protect their entire family. Most of these families feel alone and ill-equipped for the challenges they are facing raising their children.
Fort Collins, CO
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 26-2687095


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Lisa Plahuta

    I donated to Finally Home because they really care about helping families who are in isolation and feel all alone. They care for US!!

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    Mark Ulrich