Every.org logo


Our aim is a more generous and joyful world.

A collection of Every.org's cause icons. There is an apple for education, a tree for environment, a microscope for research, a heart for health, and a turtle for animals.

Follow our real-time impact at https://www.every.org/metrics - people have donated over $70M!

We provide nonprofits with free tools to fundraise more effectively, including our all-in-one donate button and peer-to-peer fundraising solution. Our website encourages individuals to take action and spread generosity by giving monthly and giving out loud to help nonprofits get steady funding and grow awareness. Our open API for fundraising powers a collective research effort to transform fundraising with nonprofit, academic, corporate, and grassroots partners.

We envision a world where every person and organization has the best technology to help them do more good, increasing the global giving rate from 2% to 3% of GDP.

San Francisco, CA
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 61-1913297


  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Margaret Berrisford

    This gift is to celebrate the wedding of two wonderful people. Every.org is dear to their hearts.

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Daniel Kaspo

    Makes it easy to donate to non-profits I love and support!

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Art Min

    Every is making available free fundraising infrastructure for over 1.2 million nonprofits. Excited to partner with the TED community next week!

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Roberto Sanabria

    I love the mission of making donations of all sizes much easier to do. If I can pay for Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, Prime, Spotify, etc. etc. I should be able to just as easily support organizations that are doing good things in the world. Also...

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    G C

    I hope every.org makes it easy to discover and support good organizations, and donate what you can afford to causes you care about. Reliable financial support helps nonprofits focus more on their work and less on fundraising.

  • User or nonprofit avatar
    Sabrina Pourmand

    This platform is AMAZING! There is nothing like it. I'm so grateful that they never take a cut out of any gift and that they are finding ways to make giving joyful.
