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AMBA is an eco system developed for AMBA beneficiaries for them by them!

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  • AMBA targets adults with moderate to severe intellectual disability with no capacity to go through formal education.
  • The degree of difficulty in enabling employment to this community is really high, but the change in behaviours, capability and sense of self is measured periodically.  This reflects the possibility of huge social change and impact.
  • 80% of AMBA's beneficiaries are from Rural India and the parents who now need to help their wards have never touched a computer. So, ACC and ACPCs have an additional responsibility to teach parents the minimum requirements of using the computer functionally to abet their wards.
  • The selection process:
    • (1)  Age Criteria. AMAB does not encourage child labour.
    • (2) IQ below 65
    • (3) No learning background is required.
    • (4) Accept people with health issues and use AMBA's network of solutions to help them.
    • (5) Accept adults with puberty-related behaviour challenges. AMBA's training has brought about positive change in 99% of their beneficiaries.
    • (6) Encourage persons with Economic Challenges.
    • (7) Train ACC or ACPCs’ beneficiaries at no cost to them.

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