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Strengths & Connections

Support the YTB 2024 Photovoice project for youth-adult teams to show their vision for bringing more opportunities to youth to contribute to their communities.

YTB builds Strengths and Connections via Giving & Receiving for Connected Community. Your support helps YTB provide training and resources for youth-led community projects.

Someone asked: "What can I do for your birthday or milestone event or accomplishment?" - The answer is: "Please make a donation to YTB". Donations can be made monthly or once, via Card, Bank, PayPal, Venmo, Stocks, DAF, or Crypto. Your donation will support youth-led projects for YTB community libraries.

Thank you from me on behalf of Youth ARE: Assets, Resources, Energy :-)

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Strengths & Connections

Support the YTB 2024 Photovoice project for youth-adult teams to show their vision for bringing more opportunities to youth to contribute to their communities.

YTB builds Strengths and Connections via Giving & Receiving for Connected Community. Your support helps YTB provide training and resources for youth-led community projects.

Someone asked: "What can I do for your birthday or milestone event or accomplishment?" - The answer is: "Please make a donation to YTB". Donations can be made monthly or once, via Card, Bank, PayPal, Venmo, Stocks, DAF, or Crypto. Your donation will support youth-led projects for YTB community libraries.

Thank you from me on behalf of Youth ARE: Assets, Resources, Energy :-)

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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-3685123

YTB Community CALM: Youth opportunities for improving their communities. Youth gain social, digital, educational inclusion.


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    2 supporters
    A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-3685123

    YTB Community CALM: Youth opportunities for improving their communities. Youth gain social, digital, educational inclusion.

    2 supporters