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Help Support Our Community School Teachers

My name is Ojok Okello and I am the founder and CEO of Okere City, a futuristic project building a sustainable rural city in Northern Uganda, after the ruins of a three-decade war. One of our core projects is a community school providing access to quality educational services to 300 children. We operate in a difficult environment where the parents of the children are unable to pay school fees due to the high levels of poverty, worsened by climatic changes. This makes working towards achieving our goal of quality educational service quite difficult. Nonetheless, we try to make access to quality education a reachable dream for the children in the village whom we aspire to support. Currently, we have 15 dedicated teachers and non-teaching staff who work extremely hard to make sure that the children are taught and supported in all their educational pursuits. Whilst we try our best, it getting harder and we are on the edge. We simply can't do it alone, anymore. That's why we are reaching out and counting on you to support our teachers so that they can support our children to become educated. It's perhaps the only way out of the village to thrive in the future.

Help Support Our Community School Teachers

My name is Ojok Okello and I am the founder and CEO of Okere City, a futuristic project building a sustainable rural city in Northern Uganda, after the ruins of a three-decade war. One of our core projects is a community school providing access to quality educational services to 300 children. We operate in a difficult environment where the parents of the children are unable to pay school fees due to the high levels of poverty, worsened by climatic changes. This makes working towards achieving our goal of quality educational service quite difficult. Nonetheless, we try to make access to quality education a reachable dream for the children in the village whom we aspire to support. Currently, we have 15 dedicated teachers and non-teaching staff who work extremely hard to make sure that the children are taught and supported in all their educational pursuits. Whilst we try our best, it getting harder and we are on the edge. We simply can't do it alone, anymore. That's why we are reaching out and counting on you to support our teachers so that they can support our children to become educated. It's perhaps the only way out of the village to thrive in the future.

We are a community based social enterprise on a journey to build the first sustainable rural city in Uganda.



    2 supporters
    2 supporters