40/40/40 Campaign

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Musicals at Richter is in it's 40th season. We're seeking to raise $40K in celebration, and have a generous match of up to $25K for funds we receive this way.

Have some appreciated cryptocurrency that you'd like to donate? This fundraiser page on Every.org can accept those currencies and converts them to cash for us! We're busy getting ready for next season and could certainly use the funding of our capital campaign to bring an even higher level of production to our home at Richter Park!

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 06-1193225

Founded in 1985, Musicals At Richter Inc is a community theater dedicated to musicals, operettas, and plays in Danbury, CT.

Small organization


  • John Armstrong
Next milestone
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 06-1193225

Founded in 1985, Musicals At Richter Inc is a community theater dedicated to musicals, operettas, and plays in Danbury, CT.

Small organization