Steven Iltis

Help Build our new Church!

Our parish was established to be a beacon of Holy Orthodoxy, offering English-language services to all people of all origins in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina. God has blessed this mission! From an initial group of 25 people, we have grown to 100+ people attending Divine Liturgy. We provide classes for inquirers and catechumens, and have baptized and chrismated many dozens of new members of the faithful since our founding. Our flourishing church school and youth group have helped our children grow in fellowship, service, and love of their faith. We continue to see new folks arrive and engage in all areas of parish life. By the grace of God, “... the Lord added to their number day by day” (Acts 2:47).

As the parish has grown, the need for space became increasingly pressing, which was a blessing but also a persistent inconvenience during both worship and fellowship hour. We agreed as a parish that we need to build a new church building. But where?

We have faithful parishioners all across the triad, and we all wrestled with locating in one of the major cities of the Triad versus finding a location central in the Triad. We did research, talked together, prayed together, and finally all agreed to find a central location that would accommodate all of us as well as possible, and be available to people all across the Triad.

This is why we parishioners voted unanimously to purchase land and build our church in Kernersville, in an excellent central Triad location, where it can continue to grow and have a wider impact. His Eminence Archbishop Nikon blessed the property soon thereafter. Through personal donations, fundraising efforts and assistance from the Diocese, the land has been fully paid off. We then mounted a successful Capital Campaign, we have collected more than a million dollars in our building fund, and at last we have actually broken ground to prepare for building our new church!

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Help Build our new Church!

Our parish was established to be a beacon of Holy Orthodoxy, offering English-language services to all people of all origins in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina. God has blessed this mission! From an initial group of 25 people, we have grown to 100+ people attending Divine Liturgy. We provide classes for inquirers and catechumens, and have baptized and chrismated many dozens of new members of the faithful since our founding. Our flourishing church school and youth group have helped our children grow in fellowship, service, and love of their faith. We continue to see new folks arrive and engage in all areas of parish life. By the grace of God, “... the Lord added to their number day by day” (Acts 2:47).

As the parish has grown, the need for space became increasingly pressing, which was a blessing but also a persistent inconvenience during both worship and fellowship hour. We agreed as a parish that we need to build a new church building. But where?

We have faithful parishioners all across the triad, and we all wrestled with locating in one of the major cities of the Triad versus finding a location central in the Triad. We did research, talked together, prayed together, and finally all agreed to find a central location that would accommodate all of us as well as possible, and be available to people all across the Triad.

This is why we parishioners voted unanimously to purchase land and build our church in Kernersville, in an excellent central Triad location, where it can continue to grow and have a wider impact. His Eminence Archbishop Nikon blessed the property soon thereafter. Through personal donations, fundraising efforts and assistance from the Diocese, the land has been fully paid off. We then mounted a successful Capital Campaign, we have collected more than a million dollars in our building fund, and at last we have actually broken ground to prepare for building our new church!

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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 20-3443425

Holy Cross Orthodox Church is an English speaking Orthodox Church in Kernersville, North Carolina.



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