My children - My crowns in Nyarugenge District
- Raised
- $0
- Goal
- $50,000
The UN child rights convention defined children's rights as follows:
Life, survival and development;
Be raised by, or have a relationship with their parents;
Express their opinions and be listened to;
Protection from violence, abuse or neglect;
An education that enables children to fulfil their potential.
Despite considerable efforts that the government of Rwanda has made to promote child protection, child’s rights are increasingly being violated and this is evidenced by the increasing number of teenage pregnancies, increasing prevalence of mental disorders among adolescents as well as growing cases of child defilement.
According to the Statistical Analysis of Child Defilement Report issued by Rwanda Investigation Bureau in October 2021, child defilement is among the most prevalent crimes in Rwanda and the most dominating victim’s risk factor that increases the danger of child defilement is insufficient parental supervision. The same report shows that the vast majority of children who are victims of child defilement were unattended children.
‘‘My Children – My Crown in Nyarugenge District’’ project whose duration is seven (7) months, aims to promote responsible parenthood as well as positive and healthy parenting practices through a training of trainers to all social workers deployed at every cell in Nyarugenge district of Kigali, members of the National Women Council from the Village level to the district level, all members of the family council’s executive committees as well as elected members of each village’s executive committee in the district of Nyarugenge in Kigali.
Children in Nyarugenge District will be the first to benefit from the successful execution of the present project through improved responsible parenthood, strengthened capacity of child protection services in Nyarugenge as well as reduced marital conflicts through counselling.
4,703 grassroot leaders will be trained on how to identify neglected children, neglecting parents, counsel and follow up on couples in constant marital conflicts, existing laws and mechanisms to enforce child protection, how to report cases of child defilement and other abuses perpetrated on children. The total project cost is estimated at fifty US Dollars ($50,000) broken down as follows: Contingencies (4%) $2,000 - Operating Costs $17,707 - Training Costs $28,554 and Media Campaigns $1,739.
Positive behavioral changes, responsible parenthood, reduced teenage pregnancies, reduced cases of child defilement, reduced cases of depression and other mental diseases among adolescents and young children as well as reinforced child protection services in Nyarugenge District of Kigali are the expected outcomes from this project.