tender, loving care from our art restorers

Opera di Santa Croce Onlus

Every stone, fresco, stained glass of Santa Croce's magnificent architecture will survive for centuries to come, thanks to you!

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Saint Francis of Assisi with his disciples

This motivated and impressive project to restore Giotto's frescoes, depicting the 'Stories of St. Francis' inside the Basilica of Santa Croce, in Florence, has begun! Giotto, one of the most influential artists of the Middle Ages and the father of Italian painting, depicted stories from the life of San Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order, inside the Bardi Chapel in the church. He divided the walls into storyline scenes that narrate the different phases. They have a very important significance as they are the result of a mediation by the artist between the space he had available and the essential episodes of the saint's life. Critics think Giotto was over fifty when he painted these scenes, thence the emotion and clarity of the figures is mature if compared to his earlier works.The scenes representing the life, death and funeral of St Francis are clear and dramatic in detail. The total restoration of the frescoes will last three years, and has been entrusted by the Opera di Santa Croce to the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, an excellence in restoration in Italy that has already conducted in-depth research on the masterpiece and decided on the course of action.
Opera di Santa Croce, is the non-profit, secular organization that since the 14 th century has governed the Monumental Complex of Santa Croce, one of the best loved and most visited places in Italy, for the richness of its artistic heritage and the civil value of its monuments and memorials. Its mission is to preserve and promote the cultural, spiritual and artistic legacy, that stemmed from Franciscan roots, and that has flourished through the centuries into our modern times. The Complex consists of the Santa Croce Church, known as a Basilica, the Pazzi Chapel, the Museum, the cloisters, the Refectory and the Sacristy. This restoration of the cycle of frescoes coming over 60 years after the last intervention, is a unique event and also an exceptional opportunity to learn the secrets of the artist and rediscover the simple magnificence and communicative strength of Giotto and his inimitable Francis of Assisi. In order to save one of the most loved and famous paintings of the fourteenth century we must act very quickly - and we are now ready to commence! We just need you, and your generosity to finance it. The total cost is 800.000 euro. The Opera of Santa Croce does not receive any State or Church funding, and can exist only with the help of visitors and donations, we are appealing to all to raise the necessary amount. Donations in the USA are now open through KBFUS. PLEASE, DONATE NOW


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