Rescuing Girls from Forced Prostitution - (Mumbai) India
- Raised
- $0
- Goal
- $87,722
It is estimated that millions are being abused in the industry of commercial sexual exploitation of children in India. The exploitation of girls take place in every place imaginable: hotels, bars, massage parlours, petrol stations, temples and truck stops. Vulnerable girls from poor backgrounds are often sold, kidnapped or lured into forced prostitution under false promises of marriage and well-paid jobs. They are frequently enslaved and raped on a daily basis, suffering from severe physical and psychological trauma. Our partner organisation, Transforming Lives Foundation (TLF) , cooperates with law enforcement officials and uses state resources as best as possible to rescue girls, rehabilitate survivors and prosecute perpetrators. Transforming Lives Foundation seeks to facilitate long term systems that can be self-sustainable over the years. The rescued girls who cannot return to a home receive counselling, medical care and education in (government)shelters. With the support of Free a Girl, TLF offers legal aid to the rescued girls to advocate for their best interests in court and to prosecute those responsible. Help Free a Girl and Transforming Lives Foundation to: Rescue girls from situations of commercial sexual exploitation File cases against perpetrators Provide rescued girls with legal support Please donate.