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Toy Time

Several inmates in the hobby shop at Stafford Creek Corrections Center (Washington State USA) decided to use their skills to make quality toys and gifts for the disadvantaged children in local communities. Through their efforts the Toy Time program was started and to this day, all gifts are handcrafted by volunteer inmates.

Since its beginning Toy Time has donated thousands of toys and gifts to Grays Harbor charities and organizations such as The Children’s Advocacy Center, Friendship House, Christmas for kids and Aberdeen Police Department. The Police Department uses teddy bears to help ease the trauma a child experiences when their caregivers are involved with the police.

Toy Time exists solely on donated funds and materials. Every penny, every piece of material goes directly toward making useful gifts. The volunteers in Toy Time constantly strive to provide as many gifts to as many organizations as possible. None of this could be done without your generosity.

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Toy Time

Several inmates in the hobby shop at Stafford Creek Corrections Center (Washington State USA) decided to use their skills to make quality toys and gifts for the disadvantaged children in local communities. Through their efforts the Toy Time program was started and to this day, all gifts are handcrafted by volunteer inmates.

Since its beginning Toy Time has donated thousands of toys and gifts to Grays Harbor charities and organizations such as The Children’s Advocacy Center, Friendship House, Christmas for kids and Aberdeen Police Department. The Police Department uses teddy bears to help ease the trauma a child experiences when their caregivers are involved with the police.

Toy Time exists solely on donated funds and materials. Every penny, every piece of material goes directly toward making useful gifts. The volunteers in Toy Time constantly strive to provide as many gifts to as many organizations as possible. None of this could be done without your generosity.

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Regardless of their past mistakes, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.


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