Day Kare Transport

Share The Kare Africa

Become a "Share The Kare" Partner:

Help Day Kare Health bring basic health screenings to the families in small African villages. If you'd like to assist you can make a one time donation of $25 and sponsor one of your family members still living in Ghana and get them12 monthly Health Screening. You can also sponsor a ride for pregnant mothers or health screening for a Ghanian in need. Receive monthly video updates on the person you're helping to make access to care fast, safe, and affordable for. Day Kare shows you where your contribution is going and the life its impacting with a personalised video message from that person. To join the #SharetheKare movement.

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Day Kare Transport

Share The Kare Africa

Become a "Share The Kare" Partner:

Help Day Kare Health bring basic health screenings to the families in small African villages. If you'd like to assist you can make a one time donation of $25 and sponsor one of your family members still living in Ghana and get them12 monthly Health Screening. You can also sponsor a ride for pregnant mothers or health screening for a Ghanian in need. Receive monthly video updates on the person you're helping to make access to care fast, safe, and affordable for. Day Kare shows you where your contribution is going and the life its impacting with a personalised video message from that person. To join the #SharetheKare movement.

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Connected To Culture Inc logo
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 85-1550865

An organization focused on arts, culture, and humanities. It received its nonprofit status in 2020.


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