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Every Child Deserves a Great Teacher

Five years after my first, the London Marathon in 2019, I am now “attempting” to run the New York Marathon (42.20 kms / 26.22 miles) on Sunday, 3rd Nov ‘24 in support of "Centre for Equity & Quality in Universal Education” (CEQUE), a pedagogical NGO based in India, whose board I am part of, in non-executive capacity, since 2017. I write to you, seeking your support for CEQUE, whose primary objective is to improve the quality of student learning by upskilling & mentoring primary school teachers in public schools across a few states of India. Over the past year, CEQUE has impacted the learning outcomes of over 45,000 students, 2,700 teachers across 1,632 schools in 9 districts through their “Teacher Innovator Program“ (TIP). Learn more at www.ceque.org

As many of you know, I recovered from a major spine surgery ~17 years back, taking up running & cycling in 2014, only due to the support & encouragement of my close family & friends, colleagues at work & spine surgeons. Supporting causes such as CEQUE are the only way I can pay back my gratitude to those who supported my journey from the operation theatre to the road! To ensure I have the required motivation to meet & exceed my goal for completing the NY marathon, I will personally pledge my donation to support the cause. I now solicit your support to pledge alongside me to motivate and benefit the noble cause.

Suggested donations below. Any other amount will be equally appreciated.

Support 1 teacher X 20 children: $300 or equivalent

Support 3 teachers X 60 children: $900 or equivalent

Support 5 teachers X 100 children: $1,500 or equivalent

It will be my pleasure to answer any questions you may have around CEQUE and their strategic plan or my impending run. We will keep you informed on the success of the fundraiser and the run!

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 92-0968656

Centre for Equity and Quality in Universal Education (CEQUE) envisions a world where every child receives quality education.





  • Kit Lin

    Great cause and beat of luck Push!

  • Sereen Ahmed

    A great cause, Push! Keep it up,

  • Nitish Agarwal

    Great work Push, keep pushing!

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 92-0968656

Centre for Equity and Quality in Universal Education (CEQUE) envisions a world where every child receives quality education.
