Sheila Ngolesueh

Love Africa well - give the gift of leadership

C-Life is transforming Africa one leader at a time. Your gift is saying, "you love Africa so you train her leaders".

Your gift of leadership today will support young men like George, who was unemployed and had no hope, but after going through C-Life's leadership training, he is running his own Accounting firm with integrity and excellence and employing others to do the same.

You will rescue young ladies like Nah in Cameroon-Africa, who are considering suicide because of no leadership, but after going through the C-Life program, she is now a nationally celebrated teacher and entrepreneur, mentoring young ladies in her community.

The gift of leadership literally saves lives. Let us love Africa well together with your gift to develop leaders in Cameroon-Africa.

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Love Africa well - give the gift of leadership

C-Life is transforming Africa one leader at a time. Your gift is saying, "you love Africa so you train her leaders".

Your gift of leadership today will support young men like George, who was unemployed and had no hope, but after going through C-Life's leadership training, he is running his own Accounting firm with integrity and excellence and employing others to do the same.

You will rescue young ladies like Nah in Cameroon-Africa, who are considering suicide because of no leadership, but after going through the C-Life program, she is now a nationally celebrated teacher and entrepreneur, mentoring young ladies in her community.

The gift of leadership literally saves lives. Let us love Africa well together with your gift to develop leaders in Cameroon-Africa.

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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 47-2547459

Small organization


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We don’t currently support donations to this nonprofit. To request we add support email us.