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Building integrity and professional excellence in Cameroon, Africa by developing godly servant leaders.

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How do you make a difference in Africa? You train leaders to be servant leaders and to be skilled in prevailing technology and job creation. You disciple them in the ways of Christ as fully devoted Christians. So that they will promote integrity and excellence by example. They will fight for peace, justice and development in their community by providing solutions—This is the community C-Life intends to promote.
C-Life has three goals: (The 3 “E”s)
• To be an example as a Christian organization for our residents and in our community—living out what we teach.
• To equip our residents to practically apply biblical principles in their professional lives—living out Christian values in the workplace.
• To empower our residents by developing their professional skills through career-enhancing programs in the area of Computer literacy, Web-based technology and Entrepreneurship.

Dallas, TX
Small organization
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 47-2547459

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