BLACKSWAN Foundation/FOXG1 Research


FOXG1 Research Group is dedicated to funding the world's leading scientists to understand and cure FOXG1 Syndrome, a severe neurological disorder affecting children. We are a special project group of the BLACKSWAN Foundation, which is dedicated to research for rare and orphan diseases. For processing donations in the United States, we have partnered with the King Baudouin Foundation US. FOXG1 is one of the first and most fundamental genes formed during brain development. Studies show that even a slight change in this gene causes other brain conditions like Autism. Most kids with a mutation in their FOXG1 gene can't walk, talk, eat without a feeding tube, or take care of their most basic needs; most suffer from life-threatening seizures. The good news is a cure is within our reach. Leading scientists are proposing research because FOXG1 holds the key to unlocking many brain disorders that affect millions of people including Autism, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and brain tumors. They also believe we can get to human clinical trials in two to five years. The potential to change millions of lives is tremendous. The time is now. Join us to pioneer some of the most ground-breaking research in human history. Your donation will directly be used for scientific experiments. We cannot find a cure without your donation. For more details please see our website: .

How can you help?

For gifts by check: Write your check to KBFUS, write "BLACKSWAN FOXG1 " in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176. Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Email KBFUS at: or phone (212) 713 7660.

Support research worldwide on rare and orphan diseases


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