American Geophysical Union (AGU) logo

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Washington, DC
* The Union fosters excellent Earth and space science research, to the benefit of humanity. * The Union advances the Earth and space sciences by catalyzing and supporting the efforts of individual scientists within and outside the membership. As a learned society, the Union serves the public good by fostering quality in the Earth and space sciences and by publicizing the results of research. * The Union welcomes all in academic, government, industry and other venues who share its interest in understanding the Earth, planets and their space environment, or who seek to apply this knowledge to solving problems facing society. * The Union's scientific mission transcends national boundaries. Individual scientists worldwide are equals in all AGU activities. Cooperative activities with partner societies of all sizes worldwide enhance the resources of all, increase the visibility of the Earth and space sciences, and serve individual scientists and students. * The Union is its members. Dedicated volunteers represent an essential ingredient of every Union program, including publications, meetings, public education and outreach. Union staff works flexibly and responsively in partnership with volunteers to achieve Union goals and objectives. Вижте повече
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