Join Meena to support Founders Pledge: Climate Fund

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Meena Gupta-Iwasaki

Join Meena to support Founders Pledge: Climate Fund

Climate Change needs to be addressed now!
That being said, it can be difficult to know which organizations to donate to. That’s why I’m donating to the Climate Change Fund by Founders Pledge. They do incredible research on the efficacy of different climate change organizations, so I can trust that my gift will go to the best methods of tackling the issue.

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Climate Change needs to be addressed now!
That being said, it can be difficult to know which organizations to donate to. That’s why I’m donating to the Climate Change Fund by Founders Pledge. They do incredible research on the efficacy of different climate change organizations, so I can trust that my gift will go to the best methods of tackling the issue.


Supporting highly-impactful, evidence-based solutions to the triple challenge of climate change, air pollution and energy poverty.


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