A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-4844337

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Margaret Heighton

Join Margaret to support No End To Love Inc.

We have started our 3rd Mud hut. It will be housing the Nchoe family with nine children. A new water tank with gutters to supply rain harvesting from the roof will be installed. Solar will also be provided to give light after dark so the children can keep up with their school studies better. Darkness falls about 6 pm at night year round in Kenya. We will be refurbishing their old mud hut to continue to serve as their kitchen eating area and a small living area. The new mud hut will serve as the sleeping quarters for the family. Clean, dry, safe and adequate shelter is critical for families to thrive.

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We have started our 3rd Mud hut. It will be housing the Nchoe family with nine children. A new water tank with gutters to supply rain harvesting from the roof will be installed. Solar will also be provided to give light after dark so the children can keep up with their school studies better. Darkness falls about 6 pm at night year round in Kenya. We will be refurbishing their old mud hut to continue to serve as their kitchen eating area and a small living area. The new mud hut will serve as the sleeping quarters for the family. Clean, dry, safe and adequate shelter is critical for families to thrive.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-4844337

Water + Education + Business/Income + Safe Shelter = Building Self Reliant Communities, One Family, One Village at a time . . .



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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 84-4844337

Water + Education + Business/Income + Safe Shelter = Building Self Reliant Communities, One Family, One Village at a time . . .
