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A Call To Action - Help Imbeleko Build A Bigger School


The story of Slindokuhle Shangase’s journey is a tale of every Imbeleko Dreamer.  She joined us at age 12 in Grade 6 and was selected as 1 of 15 learners for the inaugural 2022 Grade 8 Cohort for our blended learning school in collaboration with the University of Cape Town Online High School.

Hers like every Imbeleko child is a story of humble beginnings - raised by her grandmother; she is growing into a brighter and determined girl. It mirrors the resilience and hope of every beneficiary attending programmes at our Academy.

We will not be enrolling a new Cohort in 2025 as we have ran out of classroom space at our Academy.  It breaks our hearts to turn away talented rural children who deserves a chance to dream the impossible dream and build better futures for themselves and generations to come.That’s why we’re launching this campaign, to raise funding to build more classrooms. Our goal is to spend 2025 building a #biggerschool with a 500 learner capacity, so that no rural child is left behind.

 Please #HelpUsBuildaBiggerSchool

Your support can give children like Slindokuhle the opportunity to learn, grow, and dream dreams they never imagined possible. Together, we can build a space where hope lives and sustainable, global futures are made. There’s no amount too small.

For our US Friends - 100% of your donation is tax-deductible. Your donation is made to, a tax-exempt US 501(c)(3) charity that grants unrestricted funds to the American Friends Fund set up for Imbeleko Foundation hosted at Myriad USA on your behalf.

 Help us change lives, one rural child at a time.
 Donate today and help us build a bigger school for 2025!

We empower talented but socially marginalized rural children in South Africa through holistic quality STEM education & mentorship.


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We empower talented but socially marginalized rural children in South Africa through holistic quality STEM education & mentorship.
