Zephyrine KRdonated x48 • 2wThe indigenous, their homes and the nature must be protected Amazon WatchOakland, CAProtecting the Amazon rainforest and our climate in solidarity with Indigenous peoplesFeed nonprofit card link to Amazon Watch 9DonateFeed donation card link to $/@zephy1995/amazonwatch
Zephyrine KRdonated x50 • 2wEvery little helps GiveDirectlyNew York, NYDelivering unconditional cash directly to the world's poorest households via secure mobile transfers. Feed nonprofit card link to GiveDirectly 3DonateFeed donation card link to $/@zephy1995/givedirectly
Zephyrine KRjoinedEliza Nguyen x47 • 2wNo child in this world should ever go hungry No Kid HungryFeed nonprofit card link to No Kid Hungry 5DonateFeed donation card link to $/@zephy1995/nokidhungry