I donated to AFNA because of the strong commitment and dedication of all volunteers to improve the life of under privileged people in the part of India where I come from - Assam and the North East India.
Assam Foundation of North America
Canton, MICommunity page of Assam Foundation of North America
I alwsy want to support AFNA because this is the only organization that gives maximum amount of donation directly to the needy and it supports all major disaster events globally.
Assam Foundation of North America
Canton, MICommunity page of Assam Foundation of North America
AFNA is making impact in the life of many with its projects on Education, Employment Generation and Disaster relief and recovery. I have been volunteering for AFNA for many years and have seen how it makes every penny work for the needy.
Assam Foundation of North America
Canton, MICommunity page of Assam Foundation of North America