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Karolina Soltys

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Sarah Hum

Sarah and Emmy are donating to #stoptinyvampires along with lovely people from our Twitch community.

The Against Malaria Foundation

Kansas City, MO
One of GiveWell's top charities for the past several years, AMF provides anti-malarial bednets to people in need.
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Sabrina Pourmand

Every person and child deserves an opportunity to live a healthy life. The Against Malaria Foundation provides effective preventative measures for an incredibly low cost. What could be better?

The Against Malaria Foundation logo

The Against Malaria Foundation

Kansas City, MO
One of GiveWell's top charities for the past several years, AMF provides anti-malarial bednets to people in need.
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Every child deserves to live to adulthood, no matter where in the world they were born. This charity is one of the most effective ways to prevent death, and unlike most charity statistics, this statement is based on enough rigorous independ... Read more

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The Against Malaria Foundation

Kansas City, MO
One of GiveWell's top charities for the past several years, AMF provides anti-malarial bednets to people in need.
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